President Donald Trump has issued an executive order today for a
wall to be built along the southern US border with Mexico. Building a
2,000-mile wall along the Mexican border was one of his key pledges in the
election campaign. Some of the border is already fenced, but Trump says a wall
is needed to stop illegal immigrants entering from Latin America.
In 2014, there were an estimated 5.8 million unauthorized Mexican migrants
in the United
States. Experts have voiced doubts about whether a wall would
actually stem illegal immigration. Mr Trump said in a TV interview that Mexico
would reimburse the US for this wall. Meanwhile, Mexican opposition figures
urged President Enrique Pena Nieto to cancel next week's meeting with US
President Donald Trump to protest his demand of payment for a border
wall.Mr.Trump also signed an action to strip funds from US cities that are
sanctuaries for undocumented immigrants.
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