Dhaka: Several homes and shops belonging to the minority Hindu community were attacked and temples vandalised in an incident in Khulna district of Bangladesh. According to reports, an organised attack took place at Mallikpara in Shiali village of Rupsha upazila in Khulna district of Bangladesh on Saturday. Local media reports that at least six temples were vandalised and statues broken in the attack.
The vandals beat up the people of the village before fleeing the place after villagers gathered on the location. It is alleged the people from the neighbouring villages took part in the
According to one version, the incident started with a minor altercation between two groups of people on Friday night on the issue of singing Kirtan at the time of Namaz.
Police officials and local administration people have reached the village and they are investigating the matter. District police officials have assured that they will not allow any untoward incident to occur. Additional police force has been deployed in the area and speedy action is being initiated against the people involved in the incident.