Indian Consulate in Dubai will issue passports under the tatkal scheme on the same day with certain conditions. The announcement was made by Consul General Vipul on the occasion of the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas celebrations yesterday.
The Consul General was addressing the Indian expats who had gathered in large number on the occasion. However, he said that the application for the passport had to be made before noon and additional fees will be charged for the service. The passport will be given to the applicant by the
Passports under the Tatkal scheme in any case were being given within 24 hours. The announcement came as a boon especially for people who have to travel under emergency condition. The Consulate in Dubai receives about 850 applications for passport applications.
In 2019, the consulate issued more than 200,000 passports, over 2500 emergency certificates (one-way travel document), over 2,800 police clearance certificates and provided 72,000 attestation services including registration of births and deaths.