Donald Trump's travel ban faced its toughest test as a panel of appeals court
judges hammered away at the government's arguments that the ban was motivated
by terrorism fears but also directed pointed questions to an attorney who
claimed it unconstitutionally targeted Muslims.
The contentious hearing before three judges on the San Francisco-based 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday focused narrowly on whether a restraining
order issued by a lower court should remain in effect while a challenge to the
ban proceeds.
But the judges also jumped into the larger constitutional questions surrounding
Trump's order, which temporarily suspended the nation's refugee program and
immigration from seven mostly Muslim countries that have raised terrorism
The hearing was conducted by phone an unusual step and broadcast live from the
court's website to a record audience. Judge Richard Clifton, a George W Bush
nominee, asked an attorney representing Washington state and Minnesota, which
are challenging the ban, what evidence he had that the ban was motivated by
"I have trouble understanding why we're supposed to infer religious animus
when in fact the vast majority of Muslims would not be affected." Only 15
per cent of the world's Muslims were affected, the judge said, citing his own
calculations. He added that
the "concern for terrorism from those
connected to radical Islamic sects is hard to deny."
Noah Purcell, Washington state's solicitor general, cited public statements by
Trump calling for a ban on the entry of Muslims to the US. He said the states
did not have to show every Muslim is harmed, only that the ban was motivated by
religious discrimination.
Clifton also went after the government's attorney, asking whether he denied
statements by Trump and former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who said
recently that Trump asked him to create a plan for a Muslim ban."We're not
saying the case shouldn't proceed, but we are saying that it is extraordinary
for a court to enjoin the president's national security decision based on some
newspaper articles," said August Flentje, who argued the case for the
Justice Department.
Under questioning from Clifton, Flentje did not dispute that Trump and Giuliani
made the statements. Judge Michelle T Friedland, who was appointed by President
Barack Obama, asked whether the government has any evidence connecting the
seven nations to terrorism.
Flentje told the judges that the case was moving fast and the government had
not yet included evidence to support the ban. Flentje cited a number of Somalis
in the U.S. who, he said, had been connected to the al-Shabab terrorist group.
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