In late 2017, the Pentagon confirmed the operations of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a secretive mission aimed to unravel the mysteries surrounding unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings. The program was apparently headed by Luis Elizondo, a former military advisor to the United States government. And now, Elizondo has revealed that he will spill beans on UFO in a soon-to-be-released tell-all book. This news has spread like wildfire among conspiracy theorists, and they believe that Elizondo will reveal some startling details about alien existence on earth.
Shocking never-before-shared details about UFOs
Luis Elizondo's publishers William Morrow has assured that this upcoming book will shed light on never-before-shared details about UFOs. The publishers also asserted that this book will talk about the profound implications of UFO sightings on humanity.
Elizondo had served as the head of AATIP for almost nine years, and he quit the mission as he was not allowed to reveal everything he knew about the project.
"The American people now know a small portion of what I and my colleagues in the Pentagon have been privy to: That these UAP (unidentified aerial
phenomenon) are not secret U.S. technology, that they do not seem to belong to any known allies or adversaries, and that our intelligence services have yet to identify a terrestrial explanation for these extraordinary vehicles," Elizondo said after Pentagon released its much-awaited UFO report a couple of months back.
Pentagon's UFO report incomplete
After the release of the Pentagon's UFO report, Elizondo had claimed that the defense department has not revealed complete details about UFO encounters. The ex-Pentagon insider added that he has seen a mindblowing 23-minute UFO clip.
Elizondo said, "The video was extremely compelling - one of many - to the point where I remember getting some expertise to look at it. I did not say what it was. I sent it out to some highly trained experts in the ISR (Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) community. And when they came back to me, the title of the email was quote-unquote 'that UFO video'."
However, Elizondo also made it clear that he may get arrested if he reveal more details about the UFO video he saw.
Earlier, Elizondo had also claimed that the US government is in possession of exotic alien materials taken from a UFO.