Bengaluru: In a tragic incident, a 15-year-old boy died of electrocution in Karnataka's Tumakuru, reportedly after a metal pole he was holding for hoisting the Indian national flag on the occasion of the 75th Independence Day came in contact with a live electric cable.
The deceased teenager was identified as Chandan. The tragic incident occurred at a school in Tumakuru's Karikere village on Sunday morning. Chandan and two other boys got electrocuted after the flag pole got into contact with the power cable. Police stated the trio was dashed to a hospital, where Chandan was pronounced "brought dead", according to a report by The Indian Express.
"All three were alumni of the school. The other two are undergoing treatment," the report quoted a senior officer as saying. Meanwhile, Primary and Secondary Education Minister BC Nagesh offered his condolences to the family of the deceased student. Furthermore, the minister asked officials to ensure all required facilities for
treating the injured duo, the report stated.
This comes months after a 16-year-old boy sustained severe burn injuries while clicking a selfie near Jokatte Road Number 04 in Mangaluru district of Karnataka.
The boy, identified as Mohammed Dishan, climbed on the top of a stationary goods wagon for clicking a selfie. He accidentally touched the high-powered electrical lines overhead. Consequently, he was zapped by 25,000 volts and was thrown off onto the track.
In yet another incident, a 45-year-old man got electrocuted to death while he was trying to save a bird stuck on a high voltage power cable in Gujarat's Aravali district.
Dilip Vaghela, a Malpur resident, saw a pigeon fluttering in 11KV power cables. He ascended the 50-feet high electric police with a stick in his hand. As he touched the electric wire, he suffered an electric shock. He was catapulted through the air and landed on the ground. This led to his death on the spot.