In Bihar, 11 people were killed and seven injured in cyclone related incidents. Casualties were reported from seven districts including Patna, Darbhanga, Gaya and Munger. Expressing grief over the incident, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar announced an ex gratia payment of rupees four lakh to the next of kin of the deceased. Mr Kumar ordered free treatment to injured persons who are undergoing treatment in local hospitals. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar appealed to people of the state to take all necessary precautions during natural
Meanwhile, Bihar is witnessing heavy to moderate rain across the State. A maximum of 292 millimeter rain was recorded at Manihari in Katihar district of the State. Met department has issued yellow s in 18 districts including Sitamarhi, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga and Saharsa. Effort is on to restore Rail and road traffic which were disrupted at several places due to uprooting of trees.
The state government has also issued instructions to restore electricity in rural areas of the state.