In a major breakthrough, security forces killed 12 Naxalites in fierce encounters in Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh on Thursday. The gun battle, which began around 9 am, coincided with firing against Naxals in the dense forests of south Bijapur. The exchange of fire continued for several hours before subsiding late in the evening.
A joint team of security personnel, including District Reserve Guards (DRGs) from the three districts, five battalions of CoBRA (Commando Battalion for Resolute Action), and 229th Battalion of the CRPF Army joined the operation.
According to a senior police officer, "As per preliminary information, 12 Naxalites
were killed in the gunfight. Further details are awaited as a search operation continues in the area." Thankfully, no casualties were reported among the security forces.
The encounter marks the latest success in the country's ongoing efforts to tackle Naxalism, with 26 Naxalites killed in separate encounters so far this month. On January 12, five Naxalites were killed six including two women in another encounter in Madded police station area of Bijapur.
Last year, security forces in Chhattisgarh neutralised 219 Naxalites in such operations. Authorities continued to intensify their operations against left-wing extremists in the region.