A student from a school in Gujarat's Vadodara was found murdered in the washroom this morning, in a chilling reminder of last year's murder of a seven-year-old at a school in Gurgaon near Delhi.
The 14-year-old boy was a student of Class 9. His body, bearing knife wounds in the stomach, was found in the school's washroom around mid-day.
The body has been taken for postmortem examination.
In September last year, a 7-year-old was found with his throat slit outside the washroom of a school in
Gurgaon near Delhi. The murder had evoked widespread shock and outrage, especially when investigation highlighted the lack of proper security at the school.
Initially, the police had arrested the driver of a school bus, alleging that he had killed the child when he resisted sexual assault. But this theory was contradicted by the Central Bureau of Investigation, which arrested a 16-year-old student of the same school.
The teen is awaiting trial after Juvenile Justice Board decided that he would be treated as an adult.