In Tamil Nadu, nineteen people including four women have died in a major road accident at Avinashi near Tiruppur early today morning. The bodies of 11 passengers have been identified and eight more are yet to be identified. 23 are injured and are admitted into nearby hospitals.
A Kerala-state run deluxe bus from Bengaluru, which was on its way to Ernakulam, and a truck originating from Kerala and moving towards Salem had a head-on collision, causing the accident. The fire service personnel rushed to the scene and rescued the passengers. The bodies of the passengers who are dead have been retrieved and sent for autopsy.
A helpline has been established by the Tiruppur district

administration with the mobile number 7708331194.

Tiruppur district collector Vijaya Karthikeyan told reporters, the Kerala administration has been informed of the accident, which has sent a special team to Tiruppur. The collector of the border district of Palakkad Mr Balamurali has reached the Tiruppur hospital to extend help to the families of the victims.

Meanwhile, in another accident at Omalur in Salem district, five people including two women were killed and 20 more injured and hospitalized.

In the incident, a tourist van from Nepal and a Kerala-bound omnibus coming from Bengaluru collided against each other.

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