In Jammu and Kashmir, amid tight security arrangements, the 23rd batch of over 3000 pilgrims left for the holy cave shrine of Amarnath from Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas, Jammu early morning on 25th July 2023 for the twin base camps of Baltal and Pahalgam in Kashmir. Among them, 1160 pilgrims preferred the shortest Baltal track, while 1865 opted for the traditional and longest Nunwan-Pahalgam route.
So far, a record total of 3,39,410 pilgrims have visited the Amarnath Cave Shrine this year.
The 62-day annual pilgrimage to the 3,888 metre high cave shrine in the south Kashmir Himalayas commenced from the twin tracks of Pahalgam in Anantnag district and Baltal in Ganderbal district on 1st July and is scheduled to conclude on 31st August.
The Yatra is progressing smoothly, with devotees from across the country thronging the base camps to have a glimpse of the naturally formed Ice-Shivlingam and offer their prayers.