The third Sherpas meeting under India’s G20 Presidency will begin in Hampi today in Karnataka. Chaired by India’s G20 Sherpa, Amitabh Kant, the three days meeting on the banks of river Tungabhadra near UNESCO World Heritage site Hampi will deliberate and engage in co-authoring the Leaders Declaration to be adopted by the G20 leaders in New Delhi Summit.
Issues being considered are Green development, climate finance, lifestyle for environment, accelerated, inclusive and resilient growth, accelerating progress on sustainable development goals, technological transformation and digital public infrastructure, multilateral institutions for the 21st century and women-led development.
Over 120 delegates from G20 member countries,
invitees and International Organisations led by India’s G20 Sherpa will negotiate the text reflecting Presidency priorities. These priorities were arrived at after incorporating the feedback from the voices of Global South Summit.
After intense deliberations in the day, the delegates will explore Hampi’s enigmatic landscape of monuments and boulders spread over 4000 hectares. They will witness the city plan, waterways, temples and other infrastructure built during the Vijayanagar empire that flourished between 1336 to 1646 AD. They will also experience the local craft and handicrafts and cultural performances from Karnataka.