In a tragic incident, a man died as he jumped into the funeral pyre of his wife at the cremation ground at Sialjodi village under Kegaon Police limits of Kalahandi district on Tuesday. According to reports, Raibari Sabar (60), wife of Nilamani Sabar of the village, died of cardiac arrest, following which the body was taken to the local crematorium.
The last rites were performed in the presence of the family members and relatives at the village graveyard. After lighting her funeral pyre, Raibari’s sons and some villagers went to take a bath. When all were returning home, Nilamani immediately ran and jumped into the
burning funeral pyre.
He sustained critical burn injuries and died on the spot. Others present at the crematorium couldn’t dare to save him as the fire was intense. Raibari was a ward member. He was a former Samiti member of the Chahaka gram panchayat.
Danara Bag, Sarpanch of Chahaka, said that “It is very tragic news and unbelievable. Nilamani was ward member of ward no-5.”
A neighbour of Raibari said: “After lighting the funeral pyre of his wife and all family members were returning home, he could not control his emotion and jumped into the burning funeral pyre.”