In Uttar Pradesh, at least 8 people died and around 18 were seriously injured in a road accident on the Agra-Lucknow Expressway in the Sakarawa police station area of Kannauj district on Friday. The accident took place when a double-decker bus traveling from Lucknow to Delhi lost control and overturned after colliding with a truck parked on the expressway.
The injured have been admitted to Saifai Medical College. State Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh reached the accident site and gave
instructions to provide better treatment to the injured.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed grief at the loss of lives in the bus accident in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. He hoped for the speedy recovery of those injured, saying that local administration is assisting those affected. He also announced an ex-gratia of two lakh rupees from Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund to the next of kin of each deceased. The injured would be given 50 thousand rupees.