Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday released the 8th instalment of financial benefit under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme to over 9 crore 50 lakh farmers in the country. Under the 8th instalment of this largest direct cash transfer scheme in the world over 20 thousand crore rupees have been transferred directly into the accounts of the beneficiary farmers.
On this occasion, the Prime Minister also interacted with beneficiary farmers of the scheme from various parts of the country including Unnao in Uttar Pradesh, Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh and Ri Bhoi in Meghalaya among others. PM-Kisan scheme has benefitted
millions of farmers since its launch on 24th February in 2019. Under this scheme 6000 rupees is transferred annually into the account of farmers in three equal installments.
Centre is committed to increase the ambit of the scheme covering every farmer in the country irrespective of their land holding. Over 11 crore 28 lakh farmers have benefited from the scheme so far. Over 1 lakh 16 thousand crore rupees have been transferred directly into the accounts of the farmers under this scheme. Nearly 43,000 crore was released into the accounts of the farmers during the first wave of the corona pandemic.