The Airports Authority of India, AAI, has allocated nearly 3400 crore rupees for the upgradation of airports in the North East region.
AAI chairman Guruprasad Mahapatra told reporters in Guwahati yesterday that an amount of Rs 1720 crore for Assam, Rs 525 crore for Tripura, Rs 800 crore for Manipur, Rs 42 crore for Nagaland, Rs 211 crore for Arunachal Pradesh and Rs 60 crore for
Mizoram has been allocated.
Stating that projects worth Rs 934 crore had already been completed, he said work on the rest would be over in the next two or three years.
Mahpatra said airports in the NE region recorded a total passenger movement of 68.04 lakh in 2016-17 and registered a growth of 27.02 per cent over the previous year.