Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday chaired a high-level meeting with government officials amid rising covid cases in the national capital and said that there is no plan for a lockdown in Delhi.
Addressing a presser, the Chief Minister said, "In the last few days, COVID-19 cases in Delhi have been rising. 3,583 new cases have been reported in Delhi in the last 24 hours. This rise in cases now is the fourth wave. We are taking all
possible measures, there is no need to worry."
If there will be any need for the lockdown, then first it will be discussed with the people and then only a decision will be taken. We are focusing on the COVID19 vaccination, 71,000 vaccinations were done in Delhi on April 1, Kejriwal mentioned.
The Centre should allow states to vaccinate everyone on war footing. Need to involve non-healthcare facilities in inoculation drive, he added.
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