New Delhi: In the wake of its resounding victory in the Delhi Assembly elections, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has decided to expand its base by contesting all local body polls across the country. The party said that it wants to take its "positive nationalism" to people and intend to contest Assembly polls across the country in future.
Announcing the ambitious plan of AAP to expand its footprint beyond the national capital, senior party leader Gopal Rai confirmed that a meeting of the party's national executive will be convened on Sunday. The agenda of the meeting is to expand the party's reach at the national level by including volunteers in large numbers and building party cadre across the country, said Rai.
People who want to be a part of Aam Aadmi Party's "nation-building campaign" can give a missed call on 9871010101 and the party in return
will apprise them of the campaign and make them volunteers, added Gopal Rai.
The party confirmed that it will begin its nation-wide campaign by taking part in upcoming local body elections in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.
Launching a blistering attack at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Gopal Rai said that the saffron party is projecting "negative" nationalism in the country while AAP is solely working on taking "positive" nationalism to people,
"The experiment done by the AAP in Delhi has become a role model for the entire country. Our nationalism is positive nationalism which gives a guarantee of a good education, health care and livelihood to every section of the society including farmers. The BJP does not respect people of India and it seems every person as to its vote bank," said the AAP minister.