UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced the portfolios for his cabinet on Wednesday. Some key allocations include the two Deputy Chief Ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya getting the PWD ministry, while Dinesh Sharma got Madhyamik Shiksha (Higher Education), Science and Technology, Electronics and IT departments
Chetan Chauhan got Sports while former Congress member Rita Bahuguna was given Secondary Education. The
chief minister kept the Home and Finance Ministry for himself.
The lone Muslim member of the cabinet, Mohsin Raza will head Minority Affairs, and Swati Singh was allocated Women and Child Development Ministry.
Some other names include Surya Pratap Shahi and Siddharth Nagar Singh who will head Agriculture ministry, and Jai Prakash who has been given Aabkari Vibhag (customs, execise).