Ahead of the West Bengal Assembly Election 2021, Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress (TMC) continue to face exodus of its leaders after 5 former joined BJP in the presence of Amit Shah. Former Trinamool Congress leaders including Rajib Banerjee, Baishali Dalmiya, Prabir Ghoshal, Rathin Chakraborti and Rudranil Ghosh joined BJP on Saturday in New Delhi, Shah tweeted with a photo.
Taking to Twitter, Amit Shah wrote, "I am sure their induction will further strengthen BJP’s fight for Sonar Bangla."
National general
secretary and state-in-charge Kailash Vijayvargiya and National Vice President Mukul Roy accompanied the Trinamool leaders from Kolkata to Delhi in special flight that arrived in the Capital at 4 pm. Thereafter, all the leaders arrived at the residence of Home Minister Amit Shah and joined the BJP.
The prominent leaders who joined the party on Saturday include former Forest Minister of West Bengal Rajib Banerjee, MLAs Prabir Ghoshal and Vaishali Dalmiya, Howrah Mayor Rathin Chakraborty and former MLA Partha Sarathi Chatterjee.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?