BJP leader Kapil Mishra and hate-spewing Baba Yati Narsinghanand have reportedly been invited to attend the Govardhan Puja, organised by members of the Sanyukt Hindu Sangharsh Samiti at Sector 12A site in Gurgaon where Muslims used to offer namaz every Friday.
Namaz was being offered under police protection at the Sector 12A site which has witnessed disruptions from right-wing outfits and local residents for two weeks. Around 30 protestors from right-wing Hindutva groups were arrested on October 29 for attempting to disrupt the namaz, however, they were released on bail the same day.
The Sanyukt Hindu Sangharsh Samiti on Sunday while reiterating their stand to oppose namaz at all public places said that it would conduct Govardhan puja on November 5 at 11 am at the Sector 12A site. Some representatives of the Muslim community had said that they were willing to relocate from the site, on the condition that they were provided an alternative space or Waqf board properties were cleared of
“I have been approached by the Samiti members to attend the Govardhan puja. I shall be attending. This is a movement for citizens’ right to free roads and their demands are legitimate. No one has the right to block roads every week,” Kapil Mishra told the Indian Express. He added that he supports this movement and the protesting citizens of Gurgaon are showing the way to other citizens, who are bothered with blocking roads but are not courageous enough to come out and demand their rights.
Hindu hate preacher Yati Narsinghanand while speaking to the Indian Express said “I am aware of the namaz issue. I was invited to come for Govardhan puja but I cannot attend as I am occupied that day. I would have attended had I received the invite a little earlier.”
On Tuesday, the district administration of Gurugram had withdrawn permission for namaz at eight of the 37 sites citing “objection from local residents and resident welfare associations.”