Ahmedabad: In an attempt to purchase a Rs 900 salwar suit from an online shopping portal, a woman from Gota was trapped by cyber crooks and ended up losing Rs 1 lakh. 35-year-old Bhavna Dave, a resident of Veer Savarkar Heights in Gota, was an avid user of online shopping apps.
On June 20, Dave downloaded a certain app for buying a salwar suit worth Rs 900.
She said, "on June 22, I got a call from a woman named Pooja from the app, who told me I would get a delivery of my parcel around 28 days later. I then told her to cancel the order,
but she told me if I paid a nominal amount, I would get the delivery quickly," as quoted by The Times of India.
A form was sent to the victim over WhatsApp which asked for her UPI ID and PIN, and she was told to fill it up and send it back. Rs 5 were debited from her account after a few seconds, after which eight transactions were carried out to retrieve Rs 99,996 from her bank account.
Dave approached the cyber crime police and a complaint was filed against the unknown person for cheating along with offenses under the IT Act.