AIIMS Director Randeep Guleria has rebuffed certain claims made in few reports being circulated across different media platforms that Black Fungus or Mucormycosis is caused due to consumption of raw food.
Clarifying further on this, Dr. Guleria said, the assumptions in these speculative reports are unfounded.
He also rebuffed claims which suggest that Mucormycosis is linked with the quality of medical oxygen given to the patients in Health Care facilities.
Dr. Guleria added that the disease is also being witnessed in patients under home isolation who
have not been given medical oxygen.
Expressing concern over increasing number of patients of Black fungus, Dr. Guleria stressed on the necessity to scale up its prevention strategies.
He said, good control of blood sugar levels especially by those on steroids and careful administration of steroid dosage in COVID patients as key to prevention of the disease.
Dr. Guleria said, indiscriminate usage of steroids and administration of its high doses when not medically indicated, can lead to high blood sugar levels and a high chance of Mucormycosis.