The aviation watchdog on Friday informed that it has imposed a fine of Rs 30 lakh on Air India after a Pilot in command on the Delhi-Dubai flight allowed the entry of a female friend inside the cockpit during the cruise. The incident took place on February 27 this year.
Speaking on the matter, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said, "During the operation of Air India Flight Al-915 (Delhi-Dubai) of 27.02.2023, the Pilot in command of the
flight allowed the entry into Cockpit during cruise, of an Air India Staff on duty travelling as passenger, in violation of DGCA regulations. Air India has been fined Rs Thirty lakhs for not promptly and effectively addressing the safety-sensitive issue."
Air India CEO had received a complaint in this regard from one of the operating crew member of the flight. However, the organization did not take prompt corrective action. The complainant approached the DGCA.