As part of its ongoing transition since being acquired by Tata Group more than one and a half years ago, Air India introduced a new brand logo and aircraft livery on Thursday. The new look transforms the iconic Indian window shape, historically used by Air India, into a gold window frame that becomes the focal point of the new brand design system. It symbolises a 'Window of Possibilities', according to a release.
In a statement, the airline said that its new logo 'The Vista' is inspired by the peak
of the gold window frame, signifying limitless possibilities, progressiveness, and the airline's bold, confident outlook for the future. According to the airline, the new livery and design of the aircraft incorporate a pattern that is inspired by the chakras and colour tones of deep red, aubergine, and gold highlights.
"It also boasts a striking new custom-made 'Air India Sans' font, marrying confidence with warmth to position Air India as premium, inclusive, and accessible," the release said.