The "Ambedkar Yatra" under the Bharat Gaurav train series culminated successfully at Nalanda in Bihar yesterday. The tourists arrived at Nalanda this morning after they paid their respects at Mahabodhi Temple Complex in Gaya, Bihar on Wednesday.
A special "Ambedkar Yatra" arranged by the Ministry of Tourism and Railways, started on April 14 to mark the 132th birth anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar.
Nalanda which is a world heritage site presents key archaeological evidence of a truly international centre for organized learning.
It was founded by Kumar Gupta I of the Gupta dynasty in the 5th century CE. During the 8 days and 7-night long tour, the tourists visited cities including, Mhow the Birth Place of Dr Ambedkar, Nagpur, Varanasi, and sacred Buddhist sites like Sanchi, Sarnath, Gaya, Rajgir and Nalanda.
The tourists expressed their happiness about this initiative of the Government and said that through the
yatra they are getting the privilege of visiting the places associated with the life of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar and Mahatma Buddha.
They said the government must arrange these kinds of yatras in future as well to inspire the young generation about cultural heritage of the country.
The Union Minister GK Reddy and Dr. Virendra Kumar flagged off the Bharat Gaurav Tourist train on 14th April from Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station in New Delhi.
The Ministry of Railways has launched Bharat Gaurav Trains initiatives in February 2021 with the objective to showcase India’s rich cultural heritage and magnificent historical places to the people of India and the world.
The theme-based tourist circuit train, Bharat Gaurav Train is in line with the Government of India initiative “Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat” and DekhoApnaDesh to promote domestic tourism.