As political tussle between BJP and TMC intensifies in West Bengal, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who addressed a public rally in Thakurnagar on Thursday said he will keep coming to Bengal again and again till the time Mamata Banerjee loses the election. Addressing a large gathering, Shah said people of Matua community have gathered in large numbers, it shows that the next government in West Bengal will be of Bharatiya Janata Party.
"Due to certain circumstances my programme was cancelled, Mamata didi became very happy. There is enough time till April, I'll come here again and again, & will keep coming till you lose the election," Amit Shah said.
"As soon as vaccination drive will conclude and we become Corona-free, the work of providing citizenship will be undertaken. CAA is Parliament's law, how can you stop it? Also, you will not be
in a position to stop it," Amit Shah added.
Amit Shah came down heavily on the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress government for objecting to "Jai Shree Ram" slogans.
Shah said that "Mamata Didi" gets angry if someone chants "Jai Shree Ram" in Bengal as a political slogan. He also said that Banerjee treats people like criminals if they use the Jai Shree Ram chant.
"Is it an insult to her? When so many people take pride in it, the Bengal CM feels insulted. It's because she wants to appease a particular community to maintain her vote bank politics.
"I want to ask her that do the people from other communities not vote for her in the state?
"If slogans of Jai Shri Ram are not raised in India, then will they be raised in Pakistan?" he said at a rally in Cooch Bihar district while kick-starting "Parivartan Yatra".
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?