Union Home Minister Amit Shah has said that the Narendra Modi government has not only controlled the terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir but also demolished the terror eco-system from the valley. Mr Shah stated this after releasing a book titled- ‘Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh : Through the Ages at a function in New Delhi. Mr Shah said that after the abrogation of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019, a significant decline in terrorist activities has been witnessed.
He informed that during the period terrorist activities have been reduced by 70 per cent. Mr Shah said that Article 370 and 35A, were the articles that stopped the unison of Kashmir with the rest of the country. He added that with the abrogation of Article 370, development of Kashmir started along with the rest of the country.
Mr Shah appealed to the historians of India to write about India’s thousands of years old history with facts and present it in front of the world with pride. He described Kashmir as an inseparable part of India’s soul. He also thanked Mr Modi for giving a new life to the languages of Kashmir by making two Union Territories. He said, Mr Modi insisted
that every language spoken in Kashmir should be given importance.
Speaking about the book written by Raghuvendra Tanwar, the Chairman of Indian Council of Historical Research, the Home Minister said that the book presents all factors in detail with evidence.He said, the art in the ruins of old temples proves that Kashmir is a part of India only. Mr Shah said, Kashmir is also an integrated part of the Buddhist journey that went from Nepal to Afghanistan. He said, all the history from Buddhism, to demolished temples, use of Sanskrit, rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, to Dogra reign, to the mistakes made after 1947 and to their rectification, is included in this book.
Mr Shah said that India is the only nation in the world which is a ‘Geo-cultural’ country and the boundaries are defined because of culture.
Union Minister of Education, Dharmendra Pradhan said that Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh have been termed as the crown of India. He thanked the ICHR and National Book Trust for compiling this book based on evidence.