Union Home Minister Amit Shah along with Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel paid respects to the martyred security personnel at the police line of Jagdalpur, the divisional headquarters of Bastar in Chhattisgarh. Earlier, the Union Home Minister reached Jagdalpur to take stock of the situation after Saturday's Maoists attack. Maoists ambushed a joint team of security forces on Saturday in the forests of Bijapur district in Chhattisgarh, killing 23 security personnel.
News reports that during his visit to Chhattisgarh, Union Home minister Amit Shah held a high-level meeting in Jagdalpur along with the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh to review the security situation in the state. Talking to the media persons, He said the morale of security forces was high. He said the sacrifice of
jawans will not go in vain. He said the Center as well as the state government will speed up the work of development in tribal areas as well as intensify the operations against the Maoists.
After the meeting, Union Home Minister went to the CRPF camp at Basaguda in Bijapur district. Basaguda is near to the site where Maoists attacked the security personnel on Saturday. He will have an interaction with CRPF and state police personnel at the camp. Shri Shah will also have lunch with the jawans in the CRPF camp.
During his visit to Chhattisgarh, the Union Home Minister will also visit Raipur to meet the injured Jawans undergoing treatment at hospitals in the state capital. 13 injured jawans are admitted to various hospitals in Raipur.