Gandhinagar: Union Home Minister Amit Shah has said that serving tea in clay cups called Kulhad will help make India plastic and pollution free. He was speaking after the inauguration of a tea stall run by a women self-help group at Gandhinagar Railway Station on Friday. This stall will serve tea in clay cups called Kullhad made by the women self-help group.
Mr Shah said that the use of clay cups will also boost rural employment. He also instructed the district
authorities to provide e-wheels to every worker associated with the pottery and self-help group. Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel was present on the occasion. Both the leaders also enjoyed tea in clay cups on this occasion. Mr Shah also talked with the women of the Self-help group and saw the exhibition of the Kulhads and other clay utensils made by the women self-help group on e-pottery wheels. Mr Shah is on a three day visit to Gujarat.