Amaravathi: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy unveiled the Jagananna Government Welfare Calendar 2023–24 at his camp office in Tadepalli on Tuesday.
The Chief Minister announced the schedule of welfare schemes provided throughout the year in advance. The welfare calendar will show which welfare schemes will be released on which month in that particular year.
The Andhra Pradesh government, it was claimed, was the only government in the country that announces welfare schemes in advance.
Check out the Welfare Scheme Schedule:
April 2023: Jagananna Accomodation Devana, YSR ABC Nestam
May 2023: YSR Rythu Bharosa, PM Kisan(First Quarter, YSR Free Crop Insurance, Jagananna Vidyadeepena(first quarter), YSR Fisherman Bharosa, YSR Fisherman Bharosa
June 2023:
Jagananna Vidyakanukam, Jagananna amma odi, YSR Law Nestham
July 2023: Jagananna Foreign Education Grant, YSR Netanna Nestam, YSR Zero Interest(SHG), YSR Kalyanamastu-Shadi Tofa (2nd quarter), MSME incentives, Jagananna Todu (1st tranche).
August 2023: Jagananna Vidya Deevena (Second Phase), YSR Kapu Nestham, YSR Vahana Mitra
September 2023: YSR Cheyutha
November 2023: YSR Sunnavaddi – Crop Loans, YSR Kalyanamastu – Shadi Tofa (Third Quarter), Jagananna Vidya Deevena (Third Phase)
January 2024: YSR Rythu Bharosa – PM Kisan (3rd tranche), YSR Asara, Jagananna Thodu (2nd tranche), YSR Law Nestham (2nd tranche), Increase in pensions (Rs. 3000 per month)
March 2024: Jagananna Vasathi Deevena (Second Phase), MSME Incentives.