Amaravati: The Andhra Pradesh government has hiked the land rates based on the market value. The land rates in Andhra Pradesh will come into effect from June 1. The government has directed to do registrations as per the new land rate. The joint collectors of the districts have been informed to the registrar and sub registrar that the land rates in the state will be increased starting today.
However, rates are only being raised in locations with a large number of registrations, not across the state. New rates have been imposed in a total of 2318 areas. In addition,
where there are highways and industry, there is a possibility of higher prices. The Department of Stamps and Registrations is waiting for official orders from the government to raise land rates and registration fees.
The Andhra Pradesh government has prepared the groundwork for a 10% to 30% increase in the market value for land and property registration. The prime locations may see a 50% boost in land value. The value of land in locations nearing prospective SEZs and national roads would increase by up to 75%.