Tirupati: The Tirupati district police have recovered 1,180 lost mobile phones worth Rs 2.1 crore and promptly returned them to their respective owners. The recovery operation was carried out in five stages.
During the first four stages, a total of 780 phones valued at Rs 1.4 crore were recovered. In the fifth and final stage, an additional 400 phones worth Rs 72 lakh were recovered.
According to P. Parameshwar
Reddy, the Superintendent of Police (SP), individuals who have lost their mobile phones can immediately send a message containing “Hi” or “Help” to the Mobile Hunt WhatsApp number (9490617873) and provide the necessary details.
Alternatively, they can file a case on the CEIR (Central Equipment Identity Register) portal. By doing so, the phone will be blocked, preventing any misuse, and aiding the police in expediting the recovery process.