Maharashtra home minister Anil Deskhmukh has responded to former Mumbai Police commissioner Param Bir Singh's allegations and termed them false, saying that it is a conspiracy hatched by the ex-top cop to discredit him and the Maha Vikas Aghadi government of the state.
The ex-police commissioner, who was recently transferred from the top post, wrote a letter to Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray alleging that Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh had asked suspended Mumbai Police officer Sachin Vaze, embroiled in the Ambani bomb scare
case, to collect Rs 100 crore for him every month. The former cop also levelled allegations against Anil Deshmukh in connection with MP Mohan Delkar's suicide case probe.
In a statement, the Maharashtra home minister listed some points and said that Param Bir Singh "is lying".
Anil Deshmukh asked as to why Param Bir Singh was sitting quietly for so many days after Sachin Vaze's arrest. "Why was Parambir Singh sitting quietly for so many days after Sachin Waze was arrested? Why didn't he open his mouth at the same time?" he said.
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