Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Sunday appealed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to reveal if actor Sushant Singh Rajput died by suicide or was murdered. He said the CBI should reveal the findings of its investigation in the case at the earliest.
“It has been more than five months since the investigation began but the CBI has not revealed if Sushant Singh Rajput was murdered or died by suicide. I request CBI to reveal the findings of the investigation at the earliest,” Deshmukh said at a press conference in Nagpur.
The actor was found dead in
his Mumbai residence on June 14. The Mumbai Police, which said the actor died by suicide, was carrying out the initial investigation in the case. In August, the Supreme Court ordered a CBI probe into the case.
Deshmukh said he was being questioned by people on what the outcome of the CBI investigation has been so far. “The people of Maharashtra and the country are eagerly awaiting the CBI’s report…People ask me about the status of the case,” Deshmukh said.
Earlier, the Mumbai Police had filed an accidental death report and they were investigating the matter.
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