Mumbai: Veteran social worker and renowned Gandhian Anna Hazare underwent an angiography at Ruby Hall Clinic in Pune on Thursday afternoon, within hours after he was rushed there for treatment of chest pain.
Eight-four-year-old Hazare, who lives in Yadavbaba temple at Ralegan-Siddhi in Ahmednagar district of western Maharashtra, had been complaining about chest pain for the past two to three days.
“After he was admitted to our hospital, a team of doctors examined him thoroughly. We did an electrocardiogram (ECG) on him. The test revealed minor cardiac abnormalities,” the hospital’s Medical Superintendent Dr. Avdhut Bomadwad said.
Shortly afterwards, a team of heart specialists comprising the Chief Cardiologist Dr. P. K. Grant and Dr. C. N. Makhale conducted an
angiography on Hazare.
“The angiogram revealed a minor blockage in his coronary artery. The procedure was performed successfully. He is receiving the appropriate line of medical treatment,” said Dr. Grant, who is the Managing Trustee of the hospital, said.
Dr. Grant said that Hazare’s condition was "stable" now and he would be discharged from the hospital in a couple of days.
Meanwhile, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray - who himself is recouping at the HN Reliance Hospital in Mumbai after a cervical spine surgery that he underwent on November 12— called up the hospital and made enquiries about Hazare’s health condition “I wish him a speedy recovery,” the chief minister said later.