Disha police station constructed with a corporate office look is ready for inauguration on Monday during the visit of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy who is giving top priority for women’s security in the wake of the ghastly rape and murder of Disha in Hyderabad on November 27, 2019.
The district administration reportedly spent around ₹1.2 crores for the construction of the building which is under the control of a DSP rank official. A circle inspector, five sub-inspectors and 45 policemen will be in charge of the cases. All the senior officials will have separate chambers in the police station.
A waiting hall with all amenities has been created for the common people. Office rooms have been allocated for public prosecutors and staff. A forensic laboratory will also function from the police station. The inquiry over cases filed under Disha Act-2019 will have to be completed within 21 days. Vizianagaram Superintendent of Police B. Raja Kumari said that the existing women police station located at Dharmapuri Road would be shifted to new premises of the Disha police station for the effective usage of man-power.
Andhra Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights member Kesali Apparao
said: “Many minors are facing sexual harassment in different places, including educational institutions and hostels. The Disha Act and exclusive police station would be a boon for them. We are thankful to the Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy for coming out with a novel idea which has inspired many other States, including Maharashtra,” he added.
Arrangements for CM’s visit
Meanwhile, the police department has planned to make elaborate security arrangements at Ayodhya Maidan and will deploy 1,500 police personnel for the Chief Minister's public meeting where he would launch the Jaganna Vasati Divena scheme. Mr. Jagan will address the meeting around 11.30 p.m. and later move to Cantonment for the opening of the Disha police station.
YSR Congress Party leaders are vying with one another to ensure a grand welcome to Mr. Reddy who is coming for the first time after assuming power. Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development Botcha Satyanarayana who camped in Vizianagaram for the last three days is reviewing the arrangements with senior officials, including Collector M. Hari Jawaharlal and SP B. Raja Kumari.
Meanwhile, Opposition parties such as Lok Satta Party and Aam Aadmi Party requested the Chief Minister to allocate more funds for the development of backward region. Lok Satta Party State executive president Bhisetti Babji urged him to announce the establishment of a cancer hospital and medical college which were in the wish-list of people of the backward region.