Kurnool: Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy on Thursday released Rs 3,923.21 crore under YSR Rythu Bharosa-PM Kisan assistance as the first tranche of fifth consecutive year to 52,30,939 farmers across Andhra Pradesh, at the rate of Rs 7,500 to each farmer.
Addressing a meeting on the occasion, he said that in the past four years, Rs 1,965 crore were credited directly to 22.7 lakh farmer families with each farmer given Rs 61,500 assistance till date. “We have mentioned Rs 12,500 in the manifesto but giving more at Rs 13,500. We have so far credited Rs 31,000 crore to farmers’ accounts and every year we are giving Rs 3,923 crore under Rythu Bharosa,” he explained.
In this
context, Jagan said that the YSRCP manifesto was born out of this soil and the government was committed to the farmers’ welfare.
Recalling that Chandrababu regime always saw only droughts, he pointed out that the Rayalaseema region now has plenty of water. Chandrababu remembered projects only at the time of elections and he never spent even Rs 10 crore for Kurnool during his regime, Jagan said.
“We are giving free power for nine hours to farmers during the day time and strengthening the feeders at a cost of Rs 1700 crore. Ours is the only state that is providing one unit of power for just Rs. 1.50,” he stated.