Andhra Pradesh High Court on Thursday has adjourned the hearing on the petitions filed by the Amaravati farmers against the AP Decentralisation and Equal Development of all Regions and repeal of CRDA act bills passed in the state Assembly to February 26. The petitioner has argued that the bill is moved in the form of a Money Bill.
However, the former Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi, who argued on behalf of the government has denied the petitioners
arguments and asserted the court that the bill being moved as a general bill. The court had asked the government's lawyer about the present state of the bill to which the former Attorney General has said that the bill has been sent to select committee.
After a series of arguments, the court has adjourned the hearing on all petition to February 26. The YSRCP MP Vijayasai Reddy and YV Subba Reddy presided in the court in the court's hearing.