Vijayawada: The Andhra Pradesh government has issued an order imposing a ban on marine fishing in the territorial waters of the state for 61 days from April 15 to June 14.
The department of fisheries said in a statement on Monday that all the mechanised and motorised fishing vessels should not go for fishing in the territorial waters during the ban period. The order was issued under Section 4 of AP Marine Fishing Regulation Act, 1994.
It said the ban on fishing was part of conservation measures during the breeding season of the prawn and fish species. All the fishermen should observe the ban strictly in order to have good catches
during the post-ban period and to sustain fishery wealth for future, it said.
“If any fisherman or boat owner flouts the order, he would be penalised by a seizure of his boat and the catches besides levying of heavy penalties under provisions of the AP Marine Fishing Regulation Act, 1994. Penal action could also involve stoppage of fuel subsidy and other benefits to the errant, from the government.
The department of fisheries in coordination with Coast Guard, Coastal Security Police, Navy and revenue officers would patrol the sea to avoid any violation of order imposing ban on marine fishing.