All-India examination for recruitment into the army across the country has been cancelled after police busted paper leakage scam in Maharashtra. The same will be conducted after one month.As many as 18 people were sent to three days police custody by the local court in Thane in connection for their alleged involvement in the army recruitment question paper leak.
The question papers for recruitment to some lower level posts in the army were leaked in few centers in Maharashtra and Goa, leading to cancellation of the tests.
The Crime Branch of Thane police have so far arrested 18 people from Maharashtra and Goa since Saturday night for their alleged involvement in the leak. Thane police also detained 350
students for questioning and later let them off. According to a senior police official, the questions were leaked to candidates by some people working for coaching classes. The aspirants had to allegedly cough up Rs two lakh each for the question paper.
The police officer said following a tip-off about the leak, Thane police, with the help of their local counterparts, conducted raids at various places in Nashik, Pune and Nagpur in Maharashtra, and some others in Goa. Some aspirants were found writing the papers at different places in Thane during the raids. Defence Minister for the state Mr. Subhas Bhamre has ordered internal inquiry into the matter and further action will be taken based on the findings.