Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday hit back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his 'Delhi won't tolerate 'AAP-da' remark. Kejriwal held a press conference hours after PM Modi's rally in the Rohini area, at which he dubbed the AAP government a "disaster" (AAP-da) that had struck Delhi and asserted the BJP would usher in change.
"Today, the prime minister spoke for 30 minutes and he kept abusing the people of Delhi and
the elected government of Delhi - I was listening to it, it felt bad... The promise made by the PM in Delhi in 2020 - the people of Delhi Dehat are still waiting for that to be fulfilled," he added.
"PM Modi promises that Delhi Land Reform Acts' clauses 81 and 33 will be cancelled. The Delhi Assembly passed the proposal for it many years ago. I want to ask PM Modi to talk a little bit on this as well when he comes to give speeches in Delhi next time."