Touted as the world’s largest fund collection drive, over Rs 1900 crores have so far been deposited in bank accounts of Lord Ram Lala during the 44-day Samarpan Nidhi Abhiyan which began on the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti on January 15 and ended on Magh Purnima on Saturday, February 27.
The Sri Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust Treasurer Swami Govind Giri said that so far over Rs 1900 crores have been deposited in Sri Ram Lala bank accounts. The amount may go beyond Rs 2,000 crores as many donation cheques are yet to be deposited and many are in queue for bank clearance. The exact amount would be known after final tabulation,” he claimed.
Dr Anil Mishra, a member of the Trust, however,
claimed that the final amount may cross over Rs 2500 crore as the Samarpan Nidhi Abhiyan came to a close in Uttar Pradesh. However, it will continue in many other states which started the drive late.
“The abhiyan was a great success and it was unique in the sense that it broke all boundaries of religion, caste and community. People from different walks of life and sects donated whole-heartedly for the construction of Sri Ram Lala temple in Ayodhya,” Mishra pointed.
The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will give a presentation on the Ayodhya vision document to the Prime Minister for his approval. The Centre has already released a fund of Rs 250 crore for extension of Ayodhya Airport.
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