Bangalore police through Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday submitted a report before Delhi's Patiala House Court stating that they have identified 159 properties of liquor baron Vijay Mallya and United Breweries.
The Bangalore police have also sought more time to identify other additional properties.
Earlier on June 30, Mallya was summoned by a designated court under Fugitive Economic Offenders to appear before it on August 27. The notice was issued to Mallya and others, in connection with the Enforcement Directorate's (ED) June 22 application for declaring him as a fugitive economic offender and confiscated his properties.
Less than a week ago,
Mallya broke his silence over the controversy surrounding him of defaulting on bank loans to the tune of Rs. 9000 crores.
The liquor baron, in a series of tweets, claimed that he had been falsely framed as the "poster boy of Bank default and a lightning rod of public anger".
He also reiterated that he is making every effort, in good faith to settle dues with the banks, but if politically-motivated factors interfere, there is nothing he can do.
The 62-year-old is facing a trial for the UK Court to rule if he can be extradited to India to face charges for financial irregularities involving a total amount of Rs 9,000 crore, as well as money laundering cases.