Delhi Police has made elaborate traffic arrangements given the Beating The Retreat Ceremony. Per the Traffic advisory, Vijay Chowk will remain closed for general traffic from 2 PM to 9:30 PM today. No traffic will be allowed on Raisina Road from Krishi Bhawan roundabout and Sunehri Masjid roundabouts towards Vijay Chowk.
Similar restrictions are also applied
on the Sunehri Masjid roundabout and Krishi Bhawan roundabout of the Rafi Marg. Per the advisory, traffic will be restricted on Kartvyapath between Vijay Chowk and “the C” hexagon. The commuters are advised to take alternate routes like Ring Road, Ridge Road, Aurobindo Marg, Madarsa ”T” Point, Rani Jhansi Road and Minto Road.