One of the founding members of the Trinamool Congress (TMC) and Bengal minister Madan Mitra in an exclusive conversation with India TV said that he will chop off his hands if Mamata Banerjee loses in the state assembly election, scheduled to take place this year. Responding to Mamata Banerjee announcing to contest from Nandigram, opposite former party aide Suvendu Adhikari, who joined BJP, Mitra said, "hum panja katwadenge (Will chop off my hands), if Bengal Chief Minister loses the election against Suvendu Adhikari.
Speaking to whether he was being too confident of Mamata's success, Mitra said he knows
she is not going to lose in the election, and that's why he has said so.
Further sharing thoughts via competing with the BJP, Madan Mitra said if her (Mamata's) condition is so poor in Nandigram then they should just die... but that's not the case. The TMC is not just fighting Suvendu, but also the BJP.
On Suvendu's 50,000 votes margin challenge remark for Mamata Banerjee, Madan Mitra said, he says a lot of things, if he has to say then let him say... but in one case, what he has said is right, in fact, not just 50,000, but Mamata Banerjee will at least win with a margin of 100,000 lakh votes.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?