Biotechnology company Bharat Biotech on Sunday announced that a new study shows its indigenously produced Covid-19 vaccine is effective against the coronavirus strains first found in India (B.1.617) and the United Kingdom (B.1.1.7).
The company said that Covaxin produces neutralizing titers (concentration) against all the key emerging variants of Covid-19 that were tested.
Although a small reduction in neutralization
by a factor of 1.95 was found between the B.1.617 variant and the vaccine strain (D614G), the neutralizing titer levels still remain above what is required for it to be protective.
"No difference in neutralization between B.1.1.7 (first found in the UK) and vaccine strain (D614G) was observed," Bharat Biotech said.
Suchitra Ella, joint managing director of Bharat Biotech, announced these findings on Twitter on Sunday.