Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his happiness on the upcoming launch of Bharat Gaurav Train to North East scheduled to start on the 21st of this month. In a tweet, Mr. Modi said this would be an interesting and memorable journey, an exciting opportunity to discover the Northeast.
Indian Railways has decided to operate North East Discovery: Beyond Guwahati, specially designed tour to
cover the North Eastern States by Bharat Gaurav Deluxe AC Tourist train.
The train tour will start from Delhi Safdarjung railway station on the 21st of March. It will cover Guwahati, Sivasagar, Jorhat and Kaziranga in Assam, Unakoti, Agartala and Udaipur in Tripura, Dimapur and Kohima in Nagaland and Shillong and Cherapunji in Meghalaya in 15 days tour.