Gandhinagar: Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has reviewed the flood situations in some parts of Saurashtra at a high-level meeting in Gandhinagar. Mr. Patel held a high-level meeting on the very first day soon after assuming charge of Chief Minister yesterday. The Chief Minister has instructed for immediate rescue and relief operations and shifting of people from the flood hit areas.
Many parts of Saurashtra have received 300 to 400 millimetres of rainfall during the last 24 hours. Following the heavy rains and overflowing of dams,
Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has ordered the District and Municipal Authorities to shift the people from low-lying areas. He instructed three additional teams of NDRF to Rajkot and two teams to Jamnagar.
Meanwhile, Air Force helicopters have been pressed into service for rescue and relief operations. NDRF and SDRF personnel also join hands with the local administration in rescue works. Twenty persons have been airlifted while another 30 have been rescued by NDRF in Jamnagar district.