Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has called upon the people of the state to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic with strong will power and positive thoughts. Mr Kumar said in the wake of a sudden rise in COVID cases, the state government enforced lockdown from May 5th to May 15th. As a result the rate of infection is decreasing. He urged the people to co-operate for the success of the lockdown.
Meanwhile, Bihar is witnessing a marked decline in fresh COVID-19 cases. Nine thousand 863 fresh COVID cases were reported in the state during the
last 24 hours and 12 thousand 265 people recovered yesterday. The state also reported 74 COVID fatalities. The state's recovery rate has risen to about 83.43 percent, while the test positivity rate has declined to 8.82 percent.
Over five lakh 19 thousand people have so far recovered from the infection. 99 thousand 623 patients are receiving treatment in different hospitals of the state.
85 lakh twenty three thousand 328 people have been vaccinated in the state so far.